Tag Archives: Lambert Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome

My writing led to a destination I never imagined

What started as a way to rebuild my self-worth and to help others with invisible illnesses to advocate for themselves, literally has taken me to places I never imagined

When worlds collide

Most surprisingly, my professional world and personal autoimmune battle have collided in a way that I never would have imagined.

When another MRI could lead to another diagnosis

A few weeks ago, at my monthly check in with my neurologist, we decided we needed to do one more MRI. I’d recently had some eye symptoms that were concerning. When all of my original neurological symptoms started over five years ago, the first thing my doctors considered was that Multiple Sclerosis, yet another autoimmune […]

Introducing The Battle Within to the BDN blog network

Introducing The Battle Within to the BDN blog network!